Talk like the locals in London, England


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city's phrase


    It's about time you left you ugly dirtball.

Dutchess Smeg and Prince Pedo

    We hate you and we're doomed.


    Most excellent new Prime Minister and future king, Boris Johnson. Brexit here we come.

Stab City

    Our new nickname. We're doomed.

Trump Baby Balloon

    England needs America. America don't need nothing.

Free Tommy

    Free up your press like in normal places like America.


    Bolsheviks Broadcasting Corporation


    Lame, liberal gubmints only create crapholes like this. Is this what you want London to be? Stabbers and acid flingers?


    The day before When's Dee.


    New nickname for famous chef, Nigella Lawson.

Ding Dong. The Witch is Dead

    RIP in Peace Margaret Thatcher

So easy a Yank Can do it!!


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    New McDonalds product composed of chicken lips that replaces our Horse burgers and Horse Lasagna.

Frozen Stiffy

    Local loser got this after he raped a snowman. Let's all hope they chop off his manliness or the neighbors lynch him.


    Singer, overnight sensation Susan Boyle

Prince Harry's got a chub

    Las Vegas is not the place to go prancing naked son, without first confiscating cell phones.


Ball-watching Neurotics

    Some idiot doctor told all British men to check their balls all day long for cancer. And So they do.

RIP Davey Jones

    Monkees rocked.

Everybody's on Strike

    You stupid, bloody Socialists. Snot gonna work.

Britain's first 21st century riot

    Riots, bloody riots.


Pippa Butt Lift

    Get a nice butt like hers, but not too huge like JLo or some ugly Kardashian.

Byebye News of the World

    It's not nice to be dishonest and now you're done.

When Harry boned Flo

    A new relationship for the randy prince. She is hot and dirty.


    Pippa's new nickname courtesy of Prince Harry. How does he know she doesn't wear underwear?

The Best Caboose in England Follows The Train


Mick CAUGHT Knee

    Local pronunciation of one of our Beetles

Tuition Hike

    Tough Crap. Socialism's dead. Get over it. Welcome to Capitalism.
So easy a Yank Can do it!!

Waity Katy Waits no more

    You ride that prince's baloney pony girl!!

Eggs & Shoes

    What anti-war protesters hurl at the former prime minister at his book signings

Osama bin Laden

    British Air Frequent Flier. At least according to their own ads.

Bigoted Woman

    What Prime Minister Gordon Brown thinks about you.

Waity Katy

    Prince William's girlfriend

Spectacularly stupid

    British Air's view of their striking crews

Combat Barbie

    Miss England Katrina Hodge. Smoking hot.

Buckfast Tonic Wine

    Delicious 30 proof wine with enough caffeine for 8 cans of coke. Also called "Wreck the Hoose Juice", Scottish for Wreck the House...


    Like a tampon, only more expensive


    In our Nanny State, you can be arrested for saying this foul word that references gypsies

Ginger Ninja

    Redhead to Americans. Don't bully them


    Male boob job. Get it?

Golliwog, Half Golliwog &

    How Carol Fletcher, daughter of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher describes people of French/African descent.

Little Paki, You don't sound like a black chap

    Things Prince Harry says. He also dresses as Adolph Hitler at costume parties. He's awesome.

Dog Beater

    Prince Edward

Betting on the Gee-Gee's

    Betting on horse races

Heroin addict of the year

    3 cheers for Amy Winehouse

Black Man's Willy

    Our new Flower Du Jour

Amy Crackhouse

Pop yer clog

    Local slanguage when you die

Over 50%

    The number of illegitimate, British baby bastards born this year

Freddie, Babe, Charlie, Henry, Rita, Cleo, Jasper, Girl, Gilbert and Betsie.

    Most popular nicknames for our cars.

Fingers & Toes

    Local Ryan Wilson is losing these as a side effect from a volunteer drug test.


    Where you'll go if you ask a policeman this: "Excuse me, do you realize your horse is gay?"

566,000 Quid

    What we're paying annually to support Prince Charles' ugly horse Camilla.



Cocaine Kate-->

    Shamed model Kate Moss's new moniker. But only a loser wouldn't wanna banga. But now she's back, just fine. Great example for everybody...

Pieces of his colon

    What actor John Cleese is selling. Tastes like spotted dick.


    What Prince Charles married. Elle s'appele Camilla.


    Monty Python's new play. Please send feedback if you've seen it so I can let everyone know wazup.

Vile Pigs

    Sir Elton John's quote indicates he has a petit problem with some folks in Taiwan? Oh it's only their news photographers and TV crews. Never mind.


    Bly me. It's the queen's new lover at Buckingham Palace.

Tony Blair

    George Bush's poodle

The Gherkin

Unspecified Incident

    Prince Charles fancying a shag with a royal servant??? Randy, randy, randy...

Gotta Fag?

    Have you any cigarettes?

Spotted Dick

    Some kind of pudding you eat. You Brits may think we Yanks are nuts, but I ain't eating no such thing as a Spotted Dick.


    Sir or madam


    A baby

Apples and Pears


Dog and Bone


Shutcher Gob

    Keep your mouth shut



Grin On You

    Making fun of you


    Musical performance played on the street, usually for money

So easy a Yank can do it!!


Hello Luv

    Greeting to a sir or madam

Going to Spend a Penny

    Going to the toilet (lu)

Gormless Wuss

    Silly person


Pull Your Socks Up

    Hey, be smart


    To have a tantrum


    Very tired

That's Crackin'

    Cool or neat

Have You Any Rubbers?

    Do you have any erasers?
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Fun Spanish is a breakthrough for learning Spanish

Find your phrase in the left column. Say the fun phrase in the middle column with emphasis on the RED word or object. That's all there is to directions for Fun Spanish. Crank up your computer's volume to really enjoy the sound bytes. Links to more phrases below.

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Old Spanish
(difficult, boring, impossible)
(easy to learn, cool, fun)
Como va?
(How's it going)

< - - - - Click here to hear the sound byte
Bien y tu?
(Fine and yourself?)

< - - - - Click here to hear the sound byte
Con gusto
(With pleasure)

< - - - - Click here to hear the sound byte

(good or nice)

< - - - - Click here to hear the sound byte

< - - - - Click here to hear the sound byte
Yo quiero...
(I want)

< - - - - Click here to hear the sound byte

< - - - - Click here to hear the sound byte

< - - - - Click here to hear the sound byte
(He or she wants)

< - - - - Click here to hear the sound byte
(We want)

< - - - - Click here to hear the sound byte
Yo te quiero
(I love you)

< - - - - Click here to hear the sound byte
Very beautiful
(muy bello)

< - - - - Click here to hear the sound byte

Fun Spanish nouns & verbs A-F | Fun Spanish nouns & verbs G - L
Fun Spanish nouns & verbs M - Q | Fun Spanish nouns & verbs R - Z


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Below is a 2-page spread from my book. Here are the directions. Note how much easier these directions are compared to any of the thousands of Spanish learning guides out there. (1) Find what you want to say on the left page. (2) Follow the arrow to the right page (3) Say the Fun Spanish phrase quickly with emphasis on the starburst word or image (4) The Spanish follows. (5) Learn to string together numerous phrases which will make you sound very competent. (6) Draw your own pictures to help with memorizing and pronounciation. Fun Spanish works because it's just English and you CAN'T make a mistake!! Don't ever waste your money on a Berlitz or Inlingua product again.

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My book is divided into 5 chapters: Greetings, Helpful Phrases, At the Restaurant, Questions and a Fun Puzzle. Fun Spanish is 5 1/2 inches by 8 1/2 inches, 24 pages with large, easy-to-read type, plenty of art and perfect for a trip or a lesson for students. You'll love teaching children with Fun Spanish. All ages love it. There's also a Fun Spanish puzzle in the back that you can play with friends or on a flight.

Hopefully, you can see how fun and easy learning Spanish is with Fun Spanish. Your friends, teachers, students and fellow travelers will be very impressed with your newly-found knowledge. Don't ever let anyone tell you that learning Spanish is hard, difficult or boring. With Fun Spanish, it's easy and fun. Gloria Cudia, from Rockford Park, IL, purchased Fun Spanish for The United Way and loves it for work and her grandchildren. "It's muy fun," she tells us. Thank you for your enthusiasm Gloria.

Here are the phrases you'll learn in my book:
How's it going? • Fine and yourself? • Fine • With pleasure • My pleasure • Welcome • Good or nice • Yes • I must... • What do you say? • Not much, yourself? • What's new? • The good one • In a moment • A little bit • With me? • Can we?.. • Yes/No • That's great • Beautiful • Handsome • Happy • I know/I don't know • Comfortable • My friends • Where do you live? • Here? • Not here? • I'm drinking it • Also? With you? • As if... • I'd like... • Do you have?... • Delicious • I'm enjoying it • With cheese • Some water • With lemon • Drinks • Bacon • Chicken • Duck • Octopus • Sweet potato • Wine • I'm thirsty • Shrimp • Tuna • Asparagus • Pepper • Spinach • Who? • What? • Is it? • Are there? • Where? • How do you say? • How? • I don't know how. Remember you can combine or alter these phrases to create hundreds, if not thousands of new phrases.

There is no better product for learning Fun Spanish. I'm the only person in the world who replaces Spanish with English words. Replacing Spanish with English is a logical, easy and fun way to learn Spanish. Other methods use boring, endless lists of indirect object pronouns and intransitive verbs. Have you tried Berlitz, Inlingua, Rosetta Stone or any of the other methods? They're all the same - a waste of your money. Until now, there was no alternative. Now you have one in Fun Spanish.

Hopefully, I've convinced you how easy Fun Spanish really is. I think it's a shame that we've been brainwashed into thinking it's difficult. Try Fun Spanish. It will change your life. And for only $4.99 plus free shipping, you'll find it a bargain. And remember my motto, If you can speak English, you can speak Fun Spanish!!! I have plans for other fun languages too like Fun Japanese and Fun Italian. Please stop back often for updates and mention my new book to your friends.

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Here's a picture of my daughter enjoying Fun Spanish. She's been speaking phrases in numerous languages since she was 2 years old (she's now 10) with the help of my fun method. I'd like to see every child enjoy and excel at languages like mine does.

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Mike Ellis
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